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Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Extension Project

Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Extension Project – Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration – Prepared by Rincon

The project will extend sewer service to the existing Carmel Valley Manor senior living facility. The project includes the installation and operation of approximately 9,900 linear feet (LF) of 8-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gravity sewer main, approximately 900 LF of 6-inch diameter force main, concrete manholes, and a 250 gallon per minute wastewater pump station. From the proposed gravity-fed sewer, wastewater would be pumped by the proposed pump station into the proposed force main, discharging to the existing collection system at the west abutment of the County Bridge 500 crossing over the Carmel River on Valley Greens Drive. Wastewater would be conveyed through the existing collection system to the CAWD Water Pollution Control Plant. The wastewater pump station would be a small (approximately 1,600 square feet) fully developed municipal site, equipped with a back-up generator; new electrical service; wet well with submersible wastewater pumps; pipes, valves, etc.; electrical and communications facilities; pumps control unit; and surface improvements. These pumps would be placed underground, submerged in a wet well. A 10-foot access driveway to the pump station would be located between two existing trees.

Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Main Extension - Initial Study - Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS-MND)- Rincon Consultants, Inc. 

Final Carmel Valley Sewer Extension ISMND_Aug2020.pdfFinal Carmel Valley Sewer Extension MMRP_Sept2020.pdfFinal Carmel Valley Manor ISMND Addendum_September 2022.pdfFinal Appendices_CV Manor ISMND.pdfRES 2020-61 Adopt an Initial Study MND-MMRP & Approve CV Manor Project
Map of area in Carmel Valley where the Carmel Valley Manor sewer extension project is highlighted in yellow
Map of the Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Extension Project location


CVM Annexation Publication Notice.pdf
Aerial photo with markup of the proposed work and site plan for the Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Extension Project
Aerial photo with markup of the proposed work and site plan
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